Thursday, May 20, 2010

Baby Update!

So Mia has made some big changes this week! First off she is SO much more awake this week. She is able to focus on people with her eyes and will track an item or person, she especially loves watching her mobile go around! And the big kicker...last she rolled over! It was so neat because she was laying on the living room floor and Patrick placed her on her belly. She got made and pushed herself up with her arms and just rolled herself over! It was so neat to see especially because we weren't expecting it at all. I will try to get a video of her when she is awake and being super cute, and maybe I can get her rolling over again! And we also discovered that she loves to sleep on her stomach and will fall asleep on anyone that will let her lay on their chest! With that being said she loves her Snugli when we go for walks or just around the house, and it allows Mommy to get things done during the day!

In other news, I am down to 1_9 lbs and hope to be at 1_5 by my 6 week Dr's appt next week. I only have 14 lbs to lose to be back to my per-pregnancy weight, and I have been severly motivated by the cashier in Khols who asked me this week: "When is your baby due?" It took me a second to figure out what she was talking about and then I realized what she was referring to! Oh-my needless to say, it made for a depressing day but has inspired me to really try and lose this weight!

Showers of Blessings

We have been so blessed by those around us lately! I continue to be amazed by God's blessings on our life and the way that he provides for our family!

Last week a friend, who I spent the first 2 years in Ohio babysitting for her children, stopped by. First of all let me just say that the job she provided for me while in school was such a huge blessing and a true testament to the way God provides for his children! Well her 2 little girls aren't quite so little anymore, so she brought a huge lot of little girl clothes ranging from 12mos-4T with a few smaller things as well! Mia will not need to go clothes shopping for several years!
Check out all the boxes she brought over and there were more dresses on hangers that I already hung up! Praise God for this HUGE blessing and for wonderful gracious friends!

Another blessing for our family was the surprise delivery of some wonderful flowers from our church, New Life Church Gahanna. Then yesturday we recieved this wonderful cake made by some of the ladies in our church! How thoughtful and sweet and Oh-so delicious! I pray that Mia comes to know, cherish, and understand just how much Jesus Loves her! We are so thankful for loving friends and church that truly cares for it's members and for God's daily reminders of his love for us!

I hope you each have a Blessed day!

What is your Awesome?

I was watching the CBS Early Show today and they had the author of "The Book of Awesome", Neil Pasricha. The book is a compilation of 1000 little things in your life that make it awesome. For example here are a few of my favorites from the book:

#913 having the whole row to yourself on the plane
#879 the parking lot pull through
#841 when the categories on Jeopardy are right in your wheelhouse
#520 when a baby falls asleep on you,
#543 the separate compartment in your stomach for dessert!.

He posts a new awesome thing each day and is up to #501

So in response to the title question I challenge you to think about what your Awesome is today and check out the website for some sure fire feel good today!

and as for me, my Awesome is: clean linens on the bed fresh from the drier right before bed!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thursday Thirteen

Outside My Window...
is my street. Directly across from my front door is a back alley way that leads to other homes garages. I have fabulous neighbors. To my right is a mom and 2 girls. the oldest girl is so sweet and she gets so excited when she sees us out walking or in the yard! and to my right is a couple with two very large dogs!

I am thankful for… everything in my life! This year GOD has truly blessed us beyond what we ever could have imagined! Most recently, I am SO thankful for my beautiful baby girl. I just can't imagine how anyone can't believe that there is a GOD when you experience the miracle of birth! She is such a blessing and inspiration to me. She challenges me on a daily basis to be a better person and mom!

From the kitchen… is a pile of dirty dishes and bottles. I should probably be doing those instead of writing this post!

I am wearing… pink PJ pants and a nike t-shirt.

I am creating... homemade burp cloths (when I am done I will try and post some pics!) I am really proud of my creations and I am very surprised at how they are turning out!

I am going… to try and do the laundry, dishes, and some vacuuming today. Along with changing the babies diaper multiple times, feeding the baby, and giving her a bath, go for a walk, and hopefully take a nap today! Let's see how much of that I actually accomplish.

I am reading… "Shepherding A Child's Heart" by Tedd Tripp and "He Chose the Nails" by Max Lucado

I am hoping... to reach my pre-pregnancy weight by walking everyday and watching what I am eating and limiting my portion intake.

I am hearing… the cooing and giggles of my baby girl while she dreams in her sleep. She makes me smile!

Around the house… there is an overwhelming amount of baby items taking over my living room. How can such a tiny baby require so much stuff!

One of my favorite things… is watching my baby's facial expressions and seeing how much she has grown and changed over the last 3 weeks

Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week… I would like to go to the library tomorrow, along with a Dr's appt for the baby on Friday. Saturday I have no definite plans but hopeing my brother and his family come for a visit so we can grill out on our new grill! And we will probably go to church Saturday night and the possibly the zoo on Sunday to celebrate my 1st Mother's Day!

And a picture to leave you with...

This picture makes me laugh every time I look at it! My husband told them he was going to take some candid photos and this is what my grandmother does! hahaha! I love it!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

2 week check-up

Last Friday, which was April 30th, Mia had her 2 week check-up. It was determined at this appt that she does in fact have a cold but it has not progressed into her lungs. She has a left blocked tear-duct that could take up to 6 months to open! And the big whammy of the day...She is NOT gaining enough weight! (If you read my other post, you would know that I have the exact opposite problem) So therefore, we have to keep precise track of how much formula she is consuming and ensure that she gets at least 21 oz in a 24 hour period. So far we have been barely making the minimum requirements! She prefers to sleep rather then eat! So we shall see how much she has gained this week! I am hoping it is enough but we go back on Friday to find out. Other then that she is doing great!

On a side note...Mia is 3 weeks old today and I can't believe that today was her appointed due date!


So the weight that I have gained from the pregnancy is sticking around much longer then I had hoped! So in response to all the access weight I have decided to do my own walk-a-thon until it is gone! I started on Monday and my goal is to complete 10 miles this week and increase from there. My overall goal is to at least get back to my pre-pregnancy weight which is 1_4. My current weight is 1_3. I am too embarrassed to post the full number but maybe I will once the weight is gone.

So far this week:
Monday I completed 1 mile
Tuesday I completed 1.7 miles
I will let you know how the rest of the week goes!