I am also going to plan to complete 1-2 tasks in the evenings after Mia is in bed in hops of keep my ever feeling sense of overwhelmingness (is that a word?) at bay. I have added those to my menu in hopes that if I write it down I will do it :)
So week one of the month of May looks like this:
Monday: Sizzling chicken and salad
task: fold laundry and put away
task: pay bills
Tuesday: Crock pot ranch pork chops, noodles, and brocoli
task: organize coupons
task: update blog from month of April
task: update blog from month of April
Wednesday: Chicken and white bean stuffed peppers
No task-watch Modern Family
Thursday: Tacos and Avacado, corn and black bean salad
task: vacuum living room, sweep and mop kitchen
Friday: grilled chicken, grilled baked potatoes, and corn on the cob
No task-might go to Creekside to feed the ducks
Saturday: Drew Cotter's Birthday party!
Sunday: Pulled Pork sandwiches
I hope you all have a great week!
If you would like more menu planing ideas head over here.