I can't believe it has been almost 3 mos since I blogged last! I didn't think I was that busy! I must say that I think about blogging and will often come up with ideas to blog about but alas that is only helpful when I actually sit down and blog about it! I would like to promise to get better however, my life is about to get even more crazy in the next 3 mos, so bear with me and maybe when I come up for air I will blog about it! So for an update:
Preschool in 2015 has fallen by the wayside. We do less structured schooling using lesson plans and focusing on a letter and more on learning as we go throughout our day. For example, we have been focusing on 4 y/o appropriate chores around the house (ie cleaning room, picking up shoes, matching socks). My daughter was complaining one night about having to match the socks and said, "I would rather clean the toilets then match these socks!" Oh you just wait my child, that day will be here before you know it. We also count things like rocks, trees etc and when she thinks of a word she tries to guess the first letter of that word. And since I'm Left/right dyslexic, we have been focusing alot on learning left and right. We do plenty of crafts and playdoh along with story time at the library, Kingdom kids (like AWANA), and both kids attend child care while I attend a bible study. With all we have going on, I felt like it was too much to add in structured school time.
Therapy update: For those of you who don't know, my son has a speech delay approx 9-12 mos related to fluid behind his middle ear causing mild hearing loss. He has started Early Intervention therapy however, since we are in such a small town there is not a ST available to work with him so he is receiving an intervention specialist once a week (in essence an OT). He is also scheduled to have tubes placed in his ears on Wednesday, so I'm hoping he is well enough for that surgery as it should reverse his hearing loss completely. Since he doesn't say any words, they recommended starting with animal sounds. Here is a video of his lion roar, but honestly after this video he has done it maybe 1-2x more.
Did I mention we bought a house? We drove into town and within 24 hours had put in an offer for a home and we got it! Woohoo! I am super pumped to be moving and can't wait to get settled and stay there for longer then 5 mos! And here is a picture of our AWESOME friends who took care of darling kiddos for the weekend while we went to look for a house
Pregnancy update: This pregnancy by comparison has been the hardest in many ways. I have been more sick, and fatigued. I go to the doctor every week for an injection to hopefully keep this baby from coming early. I have already started to feel contractions but I can mange them with rest and water so far. My goal is to make it to May 1st which will allow for me to get all settled into our new place, get stuff setup for the new baby and get my daughter registered for Kindergarten and my son started on services in our new town. I will be 29 weeks on Monday, I will be 31-32 weeks when we move. Everything about this pregnancy has been different from the way I feel, to the way I look (I originally lost 10# since I found out I was pregnant, gained back that 10 over time and have gained an additional 3# thus far-I was a huge balloon with my other two by this point in pregnancy and had gained 30-35#!) So maybe this one will be full term or at least closer to my due date! The other thing that is different is that I have no idea what I'm having! Time will tell!
I will leave you with these adorable photos and maybe I will get a baby bump picture up soon!