Sunday, April 26, 2015

May Mom Challenge

I feel as though I should caveat this post by saying our lives have been crazy busy and stressful the past few months. However, that doesn't justify my actions or behaviors as a parent. One thing I love about children is there brutal honesty. A few days ago, my daughter says to me, "Mom I have something to tell but I'm scared to say it cause I don't want you to get mad." She went on to say that she feels like she doesn't like me or love me even though she knows in her heart that she does cause she is frustrated or mad at me when I talk to her or do certain things or don't allow her to do certain things cause I'm busy. This broke my heart cause I know exactly what she is referring to and I know in my heart that I say and do things that are selfish on my part and not always with her feelings in mind because I have 'stuff to do' or  'I'm too tired and don't feel like parenting.'

So as I was perusing Pinterest, I found several versions of a Mom Challenge like this one here, that helps you focus on one thing each day related to your child and parenting and I thought, I can do that. But there were certain areas that I knew I needed to focus on so I used some examples I found online incorporated with my own ideas and created a monthly spreadsheet that can be printed out and put on the fridge for a daily reminder. I'm calling it the May Mom Challenge. So for each day in May there is a specific task or focal point. On the days were is simply says, Focus my goal is to really keep my mind geared toward that attribute related to parenting and spend intentional time in prayer about it.

I love this quote as it reminds me of my current calling in life and how important the little people God has entrusted me with are to Him and His kingdom.
Not Something you do, but Someone you Raise
So, will you join on this challenge through the month of May to be more intentional in our parenting?
I will try to post periodical updates about how I'm doing with this over the course of the month, so check back soon!
Click here to access the challenge and download/print for your personal use. And let me know if you plan to join in the challenge. I'm curious what you think!