Introducing Mia Marie Kelso!!! born April 14th, 2010 at 10:00pm, 7lbs 2oz, 18 inches long
Here is her birth story: On Wednesday April 14th, 2010, I woke and spent the next 6 hours on my feet at work. I left work early, went home to see the progress my sis-in-law had made on the baby's mural (pics to come later). Then I headed off to the Dr for my weekly appt to make sure the baby was in position and to check my cervix. She determined that I was 90% effaced and 4 centimeters dialated. She said not to get excited since ppl can go weeks at 4 cent. especially since this was my first baby. But she did say that she didn't think I would last until my due date. Since my sis-in-law was visiting from NJ we went out to dinner at On the Border, a mexican restaurant, with our friends Brad and Sherri. We then came back home to prepare to take Pam (SIL) to the airport. At 7:20pm, as we were heading to the car, my water broke! Patrick sprung into panic mode and Pam sprung into action immediately gathering the things I would need. After the initial shock of what was happening, Pat took Pam to the airport, I called the Dr and got my things together to go to the hospital.
We arrived at the hospital at 8pm, went to triage while they assessed how far along I was. They determined I was still 4 centimeters and I immediately asked for the epidural since that had been my plan all along. the Dr preferred that I wait before getting the epidural to make sure that I was in true labor! So they moved me to the labor and delivery room where the nurse attempt to start an IV. She had difficulty and tried again in the other arm. In the 20 min it took her to start the IV my pain had become excruciating! I asked for the epidural again along with water! I felt like I was going to pass out and vomit at the same time.
The nurse anesthetist arrived within minutes and they checked me again and found that I was 8 centimeters and I felt like I was ready to push! The CRNA said I was too far along to recieve an epidural and I almost died! I begged her to give me one but to no avail. The nurses instructed me not to push because the Dr hadn't arrived yet. I said I couldn't wait and they asked if I wanted a resident to step in and deliver the baby. I said "I don't care who is here I am pushing!" At this point the room was a flurry of ppl rushing in and out to prep the room for the fast approaching baby.
On a side note: we were scheduled to take a child birth class the next day, so we had no clue what we were doing! Two of the nurses kept telling to breathe and control my breathing as opposed to yelling at the top of my lungs! The nurses were AWESOME and I had a very good experience there thanks to them and their caring and understanding given the situation! On nurse even said I was the hero of the floor since I gave birth so quickly without any pain meds! Everyone was talking about it! It made me feel like a celebrity :)
I pushed for approx 20 min and Mia Marie was born at 10:00 pm! I had a total of maybe 20 contractions before I was pushing her out. The Dr arrived just in time to help the baby out. And since I had no epidural or pain meds the care by the Dr after the birth was possibly more painful then the actual birth! And he was very thorough and took his time! Although time stood still at that point b/c all I wanted to do was hold my baby!
So all-in-all it was a great delivery and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. I happened so quickly and happened so fast that I didn't have time to think or process what was happening which made natural child birth very doable for me. And I must add that Patrick did a phenomenal job! I was so proud of him, and he even cut the cord! She was the greatest blessing I could have ever imagined and she is just so perfect!
We have truly been blessed!
Welcome to the world!
Daddy holds Mia for the first time!
Mommy meets Mia for the first time! Instant Love!
Our sweet blessing from God!
Loved reading her birth story! Congrats again!