Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Meal Plan Monday

Even though it is Tuesday...here is it.

Monday: cereal (sickness still lurked in our house)

Tuesday: Pot roast in the crock pot with carrots and potatoes

Wednesday: grilled chicken Caesar salad

Friday: Tacos

I am looking forward to branching out and trying some new dishes! I am always looking for suggestions of good not too complicated recipes to better my cooking skills!

And for dessert...I made this recipe this past weekend for small group and work and it was a hit! Tip: Just don't give up after the first batch is a disaster! So delicious!

Enjoy your week!

Mia's 9 month update

Well Mia is now nine months old! I can't believe how fast she has grown even in the last week!
Here are her stats:
~Weight 20 lbs 6 oz (75%)
~Height 28 inch (50%)

Some things she is doing now:
~pulling herself up to stand and standing in her crib (learned this past weekend)
~crawling with her stomach off the floor
~going from crawling to sitting to crawling
~eating 50% table food and 50% baby food
~has reduce her formula intake to fewer ounces and prefers real food over formula. She is still getting 4 bottles a day
~pacifier only during nap or bedtime
~she has 4 teeth
~she can wave, clap her hands, bobble her head to music, and drink from a sippy cup and straw
~she loves people but still hates her carseat

We are so proud of her and the little curious, busy, baby that she is becoming!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Some goals for 2011

I am very goal oriented and I find I do more, more efficiently when I have a goal. So here are my goals for this year. (A little late, I know.) I break them down into categories.

~ get all credit cards paid off and both car payments paid off
~ spend $250 or less each month on groceries

~Read through the Bible in a year
~develop a more consistent prayer time

~be more client centered and evidence based in my treatment
~be more compassionate/understanding of pt's aliments and feelings
~attend AOTA conference in April

~ run a half-marathon (scheduled for May 1st!)
~ be more consistent with my weekly meal planning including follow through making the most of our food and resources
~ increase our stockpile based on sales and coupons (I hate paying for toilet paper! you literally flush it down the toilet!)
~find ways each month to show my husband that I love him and I am proud of him

~spend more quality time with Mia on a daily basis including reading her more books

I am looking forward to a great year!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

One of my favorites from the Holidays

New Year and a New Post!

We had a great Christmas. We had many visitors and Mia was showered with so many gifts I reserved some that I had bought to give her for her birthday! We spent Christmas Eve with DJ, Lindsey, and Abram. We went to church, ate dinner, and exchanged gifts. Mia spent the day skyping with the grandmas, pop-pop, and aunt pammy while opening her gifts. It seemed we would just get all the trash picked up and another round of gift opening would occur. She finally opened her stocking at 8pm (past her bedtime). She was a trooper and kept plugging away at all the gifts.
Abram Loves Mia so much and he is so stinkin cute! He will be a great big brother!

We started the New Year off with a house full of sickness. Mia got a terrible fever and was home sick for several days and even got her 1st chest X-ray! I got a terrible cold/sore throat and Julie (Travis' girlfriend from Boston-visiting for the New Year) ended up with a stomach bug!
I think we have no turned a corner and all are well again in the Kelso household.

So here are some pics from our Holiday

Gramma and the grand kiddos!

Someone went overboard!!!

Merry Christmas
Happy New Year!!