Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mia's 9 month update

Well Mia is now nine months old! I can't believe how fast she has grown even in the last week!
Here are her stats:
~Weight 20 lbs 6 oz (75%)
~Height 28 inch (50%)

Some things she is doing now:
~pulling herself up to stand and standing in her crib (learned this past weekend)
~crawling with her stomach off the floor
~going from crawling to sitting to crawling
~eating 50% table food and 50% baby food
~has reduce her formula intake to fewer ounces and prefers real food over formula. She is still getting 4 bottles a day
~pacifier only during nap or bedtime
~she has 4 teeth
~she can wave, clap her hands, bobble her head to music, and drink from a sippy cup and straw
~she loves people but still hates her carseat

We are so proud of her and the little curious, busy, baby that she is becoming!

1 comment:

  1. Go Mia!!! You rock girl...keep it up! We miss & love you!! ~Uncle Tyson, Aunt Shawn & Pierce
