Saturday, November 19, 2011

From the mouth of Mia

We now have a chatter box on our hands! Mia seems to be learning new words everyday and is quickly become a parrot! Here are a few of her specialties:

  • counting to three
  • naming animals in pictures books and saying what sound they make
  • speaking in small sentences (i.e. This is mommy's phone, That's daddy, etc)
  • Diego (she calls both cats Diego and she called a dog Diego today-we are still working on it)
  • If we sing 'If your happy and you know shout hooray" she will throw her hands in the air and say "Hooray!"
  • naming the family members from pictures on the fridge
  • she talks constantly about her 2 friends at school Asher and Saschi
  • can name her shoes, socks, and shirt; she can even out her own socks on!

Here is a video of her putting her socks on. I was so proud of her. We had been working on it for a few days and she just 'got it' one day and is has become her new obsession!

Here is a video of her saying sounds animals make!

1 comment:

  1. Love her putting socks on! Drew definitely does not have patience for that! Go Mia!
