Sunday, January 19, 2014

Menu plan, budget, and resolution update

Here is the next two weeks Menu:

Monday: Southwest Chopped Salad (thanks to my friend Jen for the dressing recipe)

Tuesday: Baked Chicken and Rice (mom's recipe) with green beans

Wednesday: crockpot breakfast casserole

Thursday: Tacos

Friday: Homemade stromboli

Saturday: Stuffed Peppers

Sunday: Spaghetti with Salad and garlic bread

Monday: BLT sandwiches with veggies/dip and chips

Tuesday: Chicken Tetrazini

Wednesday: Max and Erma's Chicken Tortilla Soup (my sis-in-laws recipe-its delicious!)

Thursday: Leftover/grilled cheese and soup

Friday-out (Mia/mommy date)

My menu is two weeks because I am only trying to go to the grocery store once per pay period in order to stay within my budget of $100 every 2 weeks. For the first two weeks I came in at around $85 and we mostly stuck to the menu aside from when we fell sick and didn't eat much of anything. I am also planning to sell our freezer before we move so that means using up what is in there, which is also helping me stay on budget :) A few weeks ago I made a list of everything we have in both freezers and each time I use something I mark it off, that way I know what I have and what I need to buy. I also found out the movers won't move canned goods so I am trying to use up my stock pile there too so I don't have to waste as much. This week, after encouragement from two of my sister in laws I gave Aldi's a try. My previous experience was awful and have held it against the store ever since, but boy was I missing out! Aside from the ground turkey, baking powder/soda, 409, and yogurt I still need to buy I was able to buy everything else on my list at Aldi's for a whopping $33.40!!! WHOOHOOO! I was so excited I called my husband who thankfully was able to answer since he had some down time today to listen to my amazing story! So I will keep you posted on how we are doing with this and sticking to this budget. Just a side note, my kids go to daycare where lunch and snack are provided so those are meals I don't have to plan for and I try and eat leftovers or salad for my lunch which also cuts down on costs. As I start to use my freezer stock it will be interesting how I can manage to stay within my budget. If any one has inexpensive, fairly easily to assemble recipes I am always willing to try something new.

For my resolution update; for the most part I have been able to stick with my progress towards my goals aside from this past week where I pretty much took a hiatus from everything. But fear not, I have a plan to get back on track. My goal is to lose 18 lbs for March 25 when Patrick graduates. My reward for this goal is two-fold 1)get a hair cut (I have been dying to cut my hair short but refuse until I reach this goal) and 2)host a party of some sort (thirty-one, tastefully simple, jewlery party etc) to celebrate with my friends! I have also started reading a chapter a week (on Wednesdays) from Power of a praying parent and making that my focus pray of each week.

So in order to stay on track with my goals, here is my plan for this week:
Monday: Jililan Micheals 30 day shred 20 min workout video, 50 squats, Bible study
Tuesday: 30 day shred, 125 squats, run 2-2.5 miles on treadmill after work before picking up the kiddos
Wednesday: breakfast fast read ch.2 of Power praying parent and mediate/pray, 30 day shred, 50 squats, 30 min elipitical, AWANA
Thursday: 30 day shred, 2.5 miles on treadmill
Friday: 30 day shred, 145 squats, 30 min on elliptical if time after work before picking up the kids
I also plan to avoid snacking between meals as this is where I pick up alot of my extra calories!
Saturday: 3 mile run outside weather permiting, 80 squats
Sunday: yoga/stretch, 40 squats, church, small group

Hoping I can stick with this and using my husband suffering as motivation! I hope you all have a blessed and healthy week!

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